Friday, January 22, 2010


finally i've passed my driving test...
after failing the first time...
the slope was like a total nightmare to me...
really feel scared to drive up the slope..
b4 my test ytd..
went for 2 hrs practice in Broga only for the parking section the day b4...
but still dont really have much confidence...
but finally managed to passed...

p/s: n ys...thx for the support

Friday, January 15, 2010

College Life~~

went to college for 2 weeks...
college life was really COOL!!!
i finally dropped economics n took up chemistry...
bcoz...i cant even understand what is the teacher blabbling about...
no idea at all....
econs was not as easy as i think....
loads of research to do....
same for psychology....
but psychology was really interesting...
i think my psycho teacher is only in his late 20s....
accounts teacher is really a funny teacher....
Mr. Ferns .. u really make me laugh every class..
i dont regret coming to this college...
although only met kexin n serric....